Archivos Nds
Synology ya no proporciona actualizaciones de software para DS file en Windows Phone (a partir del 11 de mayo de 2018) y Windows UWP (a partir del 25 de mayo de 2020). Para obtener más información sobre las plataformas compatibles con DS file, visite el sitio web oficial de Synology.
DS file le permite examinar y administrar los archivos almacenados en su DiskStation, todo ello desde su Windows Phone, así como cargar fotos desde el rollo de la cámara directamente a DiskStation. Compartir enlaces de archivos, protegerlos con una contraseña y una fecha de caducidad, comprimir y extraer archivos en su DiskStation, o incluso añadir las carpetas a las que accede más a menudo a su lista de «Favoritos», todo esto es posible con DS file.
Synology ya no proporciona actualizaciones de software para DS file en Windows Phone (a partir del 11 de mayo de 2018) y Windows UWP (a partir del 25 de mayo de 2020). Para obtener más información sobre las plataformas compatibles con DS file, visite el sitio web oficial de Synology.
DS file le permite examinar y administrar los archivos almacenados en su DiskStation, todo ello desde su Windows Phone, así como cargar fotos desde el rollo de la cámara directamente a DiskStation. Compartir enlaces de archivos, protegerlos con una contraseña y una fecha de caducidad, comprimir y extraer archivos en su DiskStation, o incluso añadir las carpetas a las que accede más a menudo a su lista de «Favoritos», todo esto es posible con DS file.
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If you want to play classic video games again and relive your favorites from an endless number of platforms directly on the screen of your Android terminal, Happy Chick is the best option, since it is capable of emulating any classic console you can imagine. Download games for any machine directly from the app.
This tool is capable of emulating games from the first PlayStation, Nintendo 64, MAME, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gameboy, Dreamcast and, in short, almost any classic console. Besides, it lets you download Android games through its own servers. This emulator pack lets you enjoy those classic games you have in mind. The tool will make it easy for you to locate the game and adapt the screen, being able to use both touch controls and any controller by connecting it through your bluetooth.
In addition to all this, it includes interesting features such as the possibility of playing virtually any video game on online servers, either simulating online any local cooperative mode or simulating the connectivity properties of the original machine.
Ds roms
2020Resident Evil Resistance (Action Adventure / Survival Horror)PC – CancelledXBOne PS4 – 3/4/2020Project Resistance from Capcom offers an asymmetrical online multiplayer experience with horror overtones set in the Resident Evil universe. Thus, one user will play as the Brain and the rest will be the survivors trying to escape from his trap-ridden fortress. The survivors will win if they manage to complete each level before time runs out. The Brain will win if it manages to stop the survivors from escaping. The game is based on the fierce struggle between Cerebro and survivors to get more time to complete their respective objectives.
2018Resident Evil 7: Cloud Version (Action Adventure / Survival Horror / Horror / Terror / Cloud Version (Cloud Version) / Zombies)Switch – August 2018Resident Evil 7 or RESIDENT EVII. biohazard for PC is the seventh installment of this horror series, and the most radically changed so far. Following in the wake of other scary games, it adopts the first-person perspective to give the formula a new twist. There will still be combat, puzzle solving and other classic Resident Evil elements, and the story connects with that of previous games.
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If you have heard about roms and emulators but still do not know what they are and what they are for, here you will find all the necessary information on this topic. Today we are going to clear up your doubts and we are going to show you a new form of fun that you probably never imagined you could have on your PC, cell phone, tablet or video game console.
Usually, the ROM contains firmware, which is pre-installed software purchased from an original equipment manufacturer. As mentioned above, in our case ROMs are those games that we had to buy on cartridges, CDs or DVDs. If you remember, the ones you couldn’t just copy and give to your friend. However, people with advanced IT knowledge were able to extract those games into ROMs (images) and now you can play your favorite video games on any device.
Nowadays it is possible to find thousands of cool roms for all systems spread over the Internet, however, for your convenience, the wide variety of any kind of specific free ROM Emulators (such as: GBA, SNES, NDS, GBC, NES, PS1, PS2, PSP, Wii, GameCube and many others) are available for download on our website, absolutely free of charge. Please see our list of emulators that you can download here.