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The first thing you need to be able to download any video that is available on the world’s largest video platform, and many other alternative video websites, is a software called ByClick Downloader. It is much more reliable than other websites that promise to do the same thing. In fact, it automatically detects and downloads YouTube links.

Right-click on the file and select the Copy option. You can also left-click on the file and then, on the keyboard, press the shortcut Ctrl+C.

As you have seen throughout the article, this process is very simple and fast, especially if you use ByClick Downloader. If you have decided to use it, just follow this link and download it.

Best sites to download music

From Free Music Archive you can download single songs for free or, if you like the work of a certain artist, download an entire album.For more information, visit the official Free Music Archive website.Musopen.

The free version of Musopen allows you to download up to 5 songs per day, if you need more sound material you will have to pay a subscription fee.For more information, visit the official Musopen website.

In addition, each of these boxes has an audio player, so you can listen to a sample of the song before downloading it. Before doing so. The page shows you in detail which projects you can use it for and which ones you can’t.If your project is among those not allowed, you can extend the license by paying a certain amount to cover the royalties.For more information, visit the official Bensound website.Purple Planet Music

Choosing the best smart speaker is an important decision in any home, as the voice assistant you choose will be the one you end up using to control all the smart devices you have around the house.

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You can use the service both from your computer and from your mobile, so if you want you have the possibility to save the file directly to your smartphone to play it locally.

Although it may be that some of you know Freemaker applications such as Video Converter and Video Downloader, the truth is that the web is one of the best and fastest in downloading audio from a YouTube video.the trick on this website is not to succumb to the number of times they offer you to install their application, because if you get this, you can have the sound of any video extremely fast.

The subscription price is 9.99 euros per month for the individual plan, but you can always try the service for free for 30 days to see if you are convinced by an option that more and more users use.if you want to opt for the family subscription is the cost will be 14.99 euros per month, but may participate up to 5 members of the family unit. The free month is maintained in this option.

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El bestseller del New York Times que ofrece a los lectores una nueva forma de pensar en la motivación que rompe paradigmas, del autor de Cuando: Los secretos científicos de la sincronización perfecta La mayoría de la gente cree que la mejor manera de motivar es con recompensas como el dinero, el enfoque de la zanahoria y el palo. Eso es un error, dice Daniel H. Pink (autor de To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others). En este nuevo libro, provocador y persuasivo, afirma que el secreto del alto rendimiento y la satisfacción -en el trabajo, en la escuela y en el hogar- es la necesidad profundamente humana de dirigir nuestras propias vidas, de aprender y crear cosas nuevas, y de mejorar por nosotros mismos y por nuestro mundo. Basándose en cuatro décadas de investigación científica sobre la motivación humana, Pink expone el desajuste entre lo que sabe la ciencia y lo que hacen las empresas, y cómo esto afecta a todos los aspectos de la vida. Examina los tres elementos de la verdadera motivación -autonomía, dominio y propósito- y ofrece técnicas inteligentes y sorprendentes para ponerlos en práctica en un libro único que cambiará nuestra forma de pensar y transformará nuestra forma de vivir. Leer más