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From then on, Carlos was incredibly attracted to Debbie’s wild and free spirit and fell in love with her. He began to spoil her. Little by little, what was between them was becoming an unstoppable attraction.
From then on, Carlos was incredibly attracted to Debbie’s wild and free spirit and fell in love with her. He began to spoil her. Little by little, what was between them was becoming an irrepressible attraction.
It was during these dark times that Eveline met Derek. He treated her tenderly and gave her the warmth she had never felt before. He also caused her the most pain she had ever had to endure.
It was during these dark times that Eveline met Derek. He treated her tenderly and gave her the warmth she had never felt before. He also caused her the most pain she had ever had to endure.
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Zeke.One rule, just one rule that women should follow when they’re with me.Don’t ask for more.This rule is in place for a reason, they won’t get more than there is not to give.Bexley.He’s flashy, and he’s all man. He’s also the devil, or so I think. I gave him my heart, not realizing I was doing it. He likes to tear me apart, so I’m a shell of the person I once was. He’s tearing me apart, little by little. I’m not as weak as he thinks I am, though, and when I can’t take it anymore, I’ll rise again.Next book:
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Longhurst, A. (1999). El giro de la novela en España. Del realismo al modernismo en la ficción española. A Further Range. Studies in Modern Spanish Literature from Galdós to Unamuno, Exeter: University of ExterPress, 1-43.
[1]Gardeazábal Bravo, C. 2014. Niebla de Unamuno más allá de Kierkegaard. Amor y polifonía como superación del naturalismo. Folios. 39 (mayo 2014). DOI:https://doi.org/10.17227/01234870.39folios173.185.Gardeazábal Bravo, Carlos. 2014. «Niebla de Unamuno más allá de Kierkegaard. Amor y polifonía como superación del naturalismo». Folios, n.º 39 (mayo). https://doi.org/10.17227/01234870.39folios173.185.
En este ensayo pretendo resaltar algunas apreciaciones que ayuden a esclarecer la relación intelectual entre Unamuno y Kierkegaard, especialmente en el contexto de la Niebla, a partir de la idea de amor desarrollada por ambos autores. Las lecturas mejor sustentadas de estas similitudes se basan en la comprensión de la importancia de los seudónimos en la obra de Kierkegaard y en la idea de »comunicación indirecta». Adelanto tres puntos de análisis para afinar las comparaciones entre Unamuno y Kierkegaard: 1. Un marco teórico que considere la naturaleza dialógica de la obra de ambos autores, 2. Tener en cuenta el contexto intelectual en el que surgió Mist, incluyendo la oposición de Unamuno al naturalismo realista, y 3. Una lectura rigurosa de Unamuno y Kierkegaard que respete las características específicas de sus obras. A lo largo del trabajo pondré de manifiesto la importancia de la idea de polifonía en ambos autores, particularmente en la Niebla de Unamuno. Argumento que los puntos de contacto entre Kierkegaard y Unamuno, aunque numerosos, en el fondo pueden esconder conceptos diferentes del amor, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta la línea de interpretación de la »comunicación indirecta».